Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Tugas Analisis Data Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif

Name             :  Nofyan Adit Nugroho
Class              :  English Department 6i
NIM               : 133221270
Subject           : Data Analysis Quantitative and Qualiative Research
Lectured  by  :  Zainal Arifin. M,Pd.

    The  task
1.      `What is the definition of Correlational study ?
2.       What is the definition of experimental study ?
3.       How is the procedure in data analysis of correlational study ?
4.       How is the procedure in data analysis of experimental study ?

       The answers

1.      Definition of Correlational Study
Correlational study is the kind of research which discern the correlation between one or some variables. It sometimes called as associational research. According to Gay ( 1981 : 183)  Correlational study has a purpose to identify the correlation between the variable and use it’s correlation to make prediction.

2.      Definition of Experimental Study
Wiersma (1991: 91) defines an experimental study as a situation of experiment at least one independent variable that called as variable experimental. According to Gay (1981) experimental study is the only one of research methodology that can examine  a valid hypotheses and it’s related to the cause and effect relationship. Then, Emzir ( 2012: 64) states experimental study as the most common and productive research method chosen by the researcher. Experimental study is also the only one type of research that more accurate and thrifty in conduct the relations of cause and effect  than the others. The characteristic of this research are : manipulation, control, and observation.

3.      The procedure in data analysis of correlational study
Analyze the data from correlational research is analyzed by using statistical tests that depend greatly on the type of variables being studied. Variables can be either continuous, meaning that they change according to small increments (e.g. test scores), or dichotomous, in which the variable is divided into categories (e.g. gender, grade). Then, if the  two of variables that is correlated the result is coefisien correlated. A coefficent correlation  decimal  number between 0,00 and + 1,00 or -0,00 and – 0,00 which identify the degree of the relationship two variables. If  the coeffecient  is approaching + 1.00, the two variables  have a positive relationship. It means that someone with a high score on one variable will have the highest score on the other variable and the person with the lowest score on one variable will have the low score in the other variables. An increasing  in the variables connected or associated with the increasing  in the other variables. If the coefficient correlation close to 0,00 both variables are not related. It  means that a person's score in one variable do not identify the person's score in the other  variable. If the coefficient is approaching-1.00, both variables had the opposite (negative). Therefore any person with a high score in one variable will have the low score on the other variable. Improving the variable would be associated with a decreasing  in other variables and vice versa (Gay, 1981:185).

4.      The procedure in data analysis of experimental study
Analyzing data of experimental study was done after administering the independent variable and measuring the effect on the dependent variable, the researcher should have at least two sets of numerical (quantitative) data. If they  have two different groups of subjects, a t-test of the difference between the means (of the dependent variable) can be done. Or an ANOVA (analysis of variance) or f test can be done for two or more groups, or a "within subjects" method (eg pre & post test of the same subjects).

References :

Arifin, Zainal. 2012. Penelitian pendidikan. Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
Emzir. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Jakarta.

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